Beethoven Coriolano, obertura
Strauss Muerte y Transfiguración
Brahms Sinfonía núm. 1
The Vienna Philharmonic is probably the orchestra most closely and most consistently linked to the history and tradition of European classical musica. In this concert, the orchestra will be under the baton of Maestro Daniele Gatti. The fascination that the orchestra has exercised on renowned composers and conductors, as well as the public worldwide is most extraordinary and is thanks not only to its musical virtues, but also to its historic standing. This is the first of two concerts to be held in Madrid, inauges el primer concierto de dos que dan en Madrid, que inauguran nuestra temporada 2016-2017. No se pierda la ocasión de disfrutar de una de las mejores orquestas del mundo, reconocidas mundialmente, con un magnífico programa.